• Fixed Slide
  • Warm Space Logo
  • Making Connections
  • Rotary Trolley
  • Mike
  • Bringing People Together
  • Soup Day

About Us

We are a group of local people who have come together because of our shared concern about social isolation and the loneliness felt by many people living in our community. As we begin to emerge from the restrictions, we have all endured during the Covid pandemic, we believe that support in this area is needed now more than ever.


Many of us lead busy lives and that is why we are planning to offer a range of volunteering opportunities. For example, for those with commitments during the day, they might feel able to spare an hour a week in the evening phoning one of our Bee Friend clients. Others may feel able, and have the time, to invite a Bee Friend client out for a coffee, or even visit them in their home. Some Bee Friend clients might welcome a volunteer to accompany them on their first visit to the U3A, WI or a Creative Writing Class for example. We are also very eager to work as a bridge between local organisations and individuals.

making Connections

We are developing partnerships with local cafés, and volunteers could spend some of their time hosting informal meet-up sessions. Maybe you are somebody who would relish the challenges of fundraising or researching, or perhaps completing grant application forms? We also need volunteers who have good administrative and/or computer skills, or a level of fluency with contemporary social media platforms and marketing, and the many other things that this work always generates. Basically, if you are interested in doing something really positive to help alleviate social isolation, there will always be a role for you in Bee Friends Frodsham.

If you would like to volunteer for Bee Friends - Frodsham as an individual or a business, please visit our Get Involved page.